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Verde Valley Trail Fund


To gather donations toward the maintenance and enhancement of system trails on public lands in the Verde Valley.


The VVTF Fund was created with three goals:


1) To help sustain and enhance the Verde Valley trail systems in perpetuity;

2) Ensure our community understands and values these trails and

3) Develop the capacity to contribute financially to the maintenance and enhancement needs of these trails.


The Verde Valley Trail Fund (VVTF) was established as an Arizona non-profit corporation in 2021 by local citizens recognizing trail maintenance is critical to the protection of our precious trails.


The VVTF Board of Directors includes local hikers, cyclists, runners, and equestrians who work closely with the local land managers including the Verde Ranger District (VRD) of the Prescott National Forest, Red Rock Ranger District (RRRD) of the Coconino National Forest, Arizona State Parks and Trails, Coconino and Yavapai Counties, the cities of Cottonwood and Sedona, towns of Camp Verde, Clarkdale and Jerome.


The VVTF is modeled after the very successful Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund and will build on the Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition’s (VVCC) fundraising success with the Verde Trails & Access Plan (VTAP). Recognizing that the primary fundraising source for VTAP needed to transition from mountain bikers to the community, the VVCC and VVTF entered into a Memorandum of Understanding creating an orderly transition where both entities raised funds for the VTAP in 2022 with the VVTF taking over primary fundraising responsibility in 2023.


When complete, the VTAP will include 122 new non-motorized trail miles, 30 staging areas, watershed restoration activities, trail signing, maintenance and trailhead development. The Forest Service (FS) entered into a Cost Share Agreement with the VVTF in February 2022 to address VTAP projects.


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